Friday, September 10, 2010

Arms Up

When Maddox was born, my hubby and I were intrigued by Your Baby Can Read program. We were not as intrigued by the price of the full program, almost $400 for everything. I had met some mom's who had 1 1/2 year olds actually reading words and they would demonstrate to prove it. Since we are on a budget, my incredible husband began to look for the program on EBAY. One day, he found a complete program unopened and of course we went for it and he was a master at winning the bid. $145 later- it was being shipped to our door. Maddox was 4 months old when he started the program and it became a part of his daily routine- right after playtime in the morning and before his nap. I have the first video memorized "Hi, my name is Aleka. We are going to spell some words". And yes, HI was the first word on the video.

Another phrase that is repeated in the first DVD is "ARMS UP, Can you put your arms up"? We always say that to Maddox, just playing around. Even my parents and my brother kinda make fun of us always saying and showing the words "Arms Up" and demonstrating the action for Maddox.

Today we were completely surprised when Maddox showed us this....

Needless to say, the program is working. I can't explain the feeling I had when my little man showed us what he is learning. If you have ever wondered about the program or considered purchasing it, I highly recommend.


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